I don't know if its me or just a coincidence but here lately every time I pick up a newspaper or magazine or listen to the celebrity news someone that has been married is breaking up. It appears that all their effort is put into planning this over the top wedding. I have yet to hear that these marriages were built on the solid foundation of Christ. That they went into it making a vow and commitment that they would together work on it for their lifetime. Marriage in itself is hard, however it has to be twice as hard when you are living your marriage before the public man. That's why it can not be entered into lightly. The couple have to place time and attention to learning about being married before the actual wedding day. Pre-marital counseling is something that all couples need before they say "I Do". We take it a step further and suggest that the couple should be in a bible based marriage and relationship ministry before and during their marriage. They should link up with a stable mentoring couple or group. These people have been there and done that and are just what the new couple needs when things get rough.
Now we hear and read about the celebrity couples breaking up and running for the hills but dear friends don't gloat too much because Christian marriages are doing the same thing. Many couples feel that they don't have to put time and attention to growing their marriage. They won't take the time to even read an email about building their marriage because they feel its too long and would take up too much of their time. However when they hit the bump in the road they run around like chickens with their heads cut off crying about their marriage falling apart. Never looking at what they did not do before hand to ensure that their marriage had a chance. Many have said to me "well we go to church" but really going and learning, investing , reading and praying over their marriage is two different things. To become great at anything you have to study, then do what you have learned and continue to learn new things as you grow and develop. Remember anything that does not grow will die!!!
So instead of throwing in the towel, giving up, running for the hills when things get tough in your marriage you have to dig in together and seek answers from God. In fact become proactive and become a active member of a marriage and relationship ministry. Read all you can about how to develop your marriage. Pray together and become determined to allow Christ to guide you. Become one together in Jesus. Pray for those couples who are in the limelight and just don't know the Lord. Pray that he would intervene in their marriage. Pray for their children. Take the time everyday to learn something new that will enhance your marriage or relationship. For those of you who are single now is the perfect time to learn how to be married, so that when God presents you with your mate you will already know what to do.
We suggest that when the going gets tough to just dig in and stand together....saying that no matter what you will stay married. Ask God to show you both what these trying times are attempting to show you so that you will learn and your union will be stronger. Become connected with a positive Christian marriage and relationship ministry and or mentor group. Invest in your marriage by always learning how to keep your marriage strong and together. Most of all place your marriage on Jesus and then follow His lead. Now if you must run during tough times then HEAD STRAIGHT TOWARDS CHRIST!!!
***Need help before marriage we have an on line pre-marital counseling course that you may obtain at this website. We also have loveshops (aka workshops) that you may attend free of charge. We also offer on going couples help by lovebooks (aka workbooks) that you can do as a couple and monthly love and dating tips via our loveazine (aka e-zine). Look at our website and you should be able to find something that will suit your needs. You may always email us with any questions, concerns, or suggestions of what you may want to see us offer. Coming soon our marital love coach.***